10/20/2022, 10:09:55 PM
nsyusenq Maple Leaf
tfenicus: gtrer
8/2/2022, 3:28:36 AM
ismailhabibi what up
afen: big slay
tfenicus: Cool!
8/2/2022, 3:27:53 AM
tfenicus Ish
tfenicus: klmklm
tfenicus: gterr
tfenicus: yes that is you
tfenicus: klmklm
tfenicus: gterr
tfenicus: yes that is you
ismailhabibi: thats me
5/8/2022, 6:31:15 PM
testuser this is another test post about DALI Lab!
testuser: kjb
tfenicus: nice
tfenicus: 👌
testuser: kjb
tfenicus: nice
tfenicus: 👌
siri: so cool
siri: wow!!!
5/8/2022, 6:30:17 PM
tfenicus test post
tfenicus: i like bob
tfenicus: hello
tfenicus: hello
tfenicus: i like bob
tfenicus: hello
tfenicus: hello
siri: testing accordion functionality
siri: more than three comments
testuser: congrats!
tfenicus: it worked!
developed by Thomas Fenaroli
DALIChat is a social media platform for users to learn about DALI Lab members and talk about the DALI Lab. You can learn about current members, post, comment on posts, react to posts, and view your own posts on DALIChat. Feel free to email thomas.s.fenaroli.24@dartmouth.edu with any questions. Chat away!
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